Empowered Instruction

Im About to Take Sail
"Go and look toward the sea, "he told his servant. And he went up and looked. "There is nothing there, he said. Seven times Elijah said,Go back." (1 Kings 18:43).
See I am about to take sail. I am tired of living in shallow waters, when I can walk the whole ocean. See you are think about the ocean on earth when I am referring to stepping steps into a deeper mindset. I am stepping into deeper proprositions, deeper understandings, deeper knowledge etc.

No Time LIMITS !
" But if we HOPE for what we do not yet have, we wait for it PATIENTLY " (Romans 8:25).
One thing I had to stop doing was putting a time limit on everything. I found myself saying I wanted a house at the age of 26, Graduate in Summer 2021, I wanted an Apartment in March, etc. Not only was I truly stressing myself out but I was discouraging myself as well. It took me a while to realize that I was setting myself up for failure. Not because I I was not capable of doing it but because that is not what God had ordained for my life. See when we put time limits on our desires they may not line up with when God wants it to happen. You may pray and ask for a job next Thursday but you get defeated when next Thursday comes and you don't have that job. What I have started doing myself is praying for what I want and not when I wanted it. What you pray for will come. You just have to wait patiently for it and let God work. What ever you desire is meant for you but it may not be meant for that exact second. I expected myself to graduate Summer 2021 but it got pushed back to Fall 2021. It is not going to happen when I wanted to happen but for sure it will happen. STOP rushing the process. Take this time to learn patience, gain knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

DO NOT Shut Up!
Do NOT shut up, when the enemy is at work. Let me tell you what I mean by this and how it relates back to you. I was seven year sold when I went to foster care and started school. I was use to stealing and surviving so when I was with my first foster care family I continued to do what was normal. I went to school one day and decided to steal money out of my teachers purse during recess. I must have been gone longer than I thought because my teacher came looking for me. Its like the enemy was following me because I told her I was going to the bathroom and she checked the classroom before even going to the bathroom. I heard her coming and quickly went under her desk exactly where I took the money from... She assumed I stole from her before she had a reason to blame me for stealing. She looked through her purse and saw money missing and she said "give it to me, why would you steal from me?" I told her how I was neglected and stealing was my way of surviving. I didn't know if I was going to eat tomorrow or next week. The enemy worked through my teacher, a mandated reporter, to SHUT ME UP! I say this because my teacher told me that she did not care wha I had struggled with and that no one will ever care about how I grew up. This is my teacher she is supposed to be on my side and development not shut me down. Now that I am wiser than before I look at this highlight of my life as a parable because the enemy snatched my tongue right out my mouth! I figured she was right no one cared or needed to hear my story. From that day forward I made a promise to myself to not tell anybody about everything life had thrown at me! The enemy did not want me to embrace my testimony because then I would be closer to God and the enemy does not want that! Your testimony is so powerful! Do not let the enemy shut you up through thoughts, people, ideas etc... Your voice can be and is that voice that can heal broken hearts, find lost souls, develop one mentally etc. Do not let the enemy work against you and lead you to think that you are not worth it because you are worth every cell that is structured in your body. -XOXO CHANEL
Chat with me! Has the enemy
tried to SHUT YOU UP? IF SO HOW?

Stop Playing Tag With the Enemy...
I call it QUITS! No longer will play tag with enemy. What do you mean? How are you playing tag with the enemy? Great question, think about the game tag. You are being chased by someone A.K.A the enemy. We are all running around scared, hiding, dodging licks, which can be looked as our problems. We gets close we tense up, heart start racing and get shaken up. We start running because we are afraid of what is coming and start hiding from the enemy. Boom enemy tag us, n problems start accumulating. We don't know where to go and get frustrated because we don't know how we will get rid of this problem. We start doubting because it's taking you longer than expected to get rid of this problem. You got tagged because you condoned in this game. Just am minute ago you were running, hiding and dodging. The time is now to stop hiding, stop running, stop dodging. Go give back what the enemy gave you. Give back that fear. Give back that doubt. Give back that problem. Give it ALL back!Give all the licks back. Its time to STOP PLAYING TAG WITH THE ENEMY. Once you do this the game is over. Im no longer playing tag with the enemy.
Chat with me! What licks, problems, have the enemy tagged you with? Lets talk about how you can call it QUITS!

Coming Soon.........
Coming Soon.........

Coming Soon.........
Coming Soon.........